Tahnee Cane

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

I’m taking part in Walk for Epilepsy around Australia because...

I want to raise money and make a difference for people living with epilepsy. Like my sister Kristy. You can read a bit about her in my updates below. Please help me by giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about the walk, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

My Achievements

Ready set go!

You're on your way to becoming an Epilepsy Champ! Signup complete

Sharing is caring

Let the world know that you're helping those living with epilepsy on your socials

Back yourself

Self donate to show your friends and family how its done

First donation

Got your first donation! Well done!

Halfway Donation Milestone

You've hit the half way mark for donations! Keep up the good work

Smashed it!

You've hit your goal! We couldn't be more proud of you

First km complete!

Well done! Keep the momentum going!

Half way there

You've reached the halfway mark of your challenge, keep pushing forward!

You did it!

You've smashed your goal! We couldn't be more proud of you


Thankyou, you've raised $500!!! A Walk for Epilepsy pack is coming your way!


Thankyou, you've raised $1000! You're in the draw to WIN an Apple iWatch


Thankyou, you've raised $2000! You're in the draw to win a $1000 Rebel Sports Voucher

My Updates

My Sister Kristerbell

Friday 29th Sep
I have registered a team for my beautiful sister Kristy. Kristy was diagnosed with Epilepsy in primary school. This was a result of a accident that happened during sport at school and caused trauma to her brain. 
No person chooses to have Epilepsy but definitely a harder pill to swallow when it was the result of someone else’s poor choices. 
My sister endured so much through childhood, from ongoing medical tests, scans & medications, to impacting things like friendships, sporting activities & everyday tasks which had now altered. 
Watching a family member go through all of that is heartbreaking but my sister never complains and try’s to just get on with life. 
Unfortunately, Epilepsy does take a toll, a toll on your body, your mind, your health, your work, your relationships …. Your life! 
During Kristy’s younger years, our whole family, Mum, Dad and 4 siblings were by her side every step of the way, during seizures, at doctors appointments or even when kids were being cruel about her illness because they just didn’t understand it. 
Now,  she has a wonderful husband that supports her through everything, with so much love aswell as two amazing children that are always looking out for their Mum.  
Some people don’t understand what a day, a week looks like for someone with Epilepsy unless they have shared the experiences like we have. 
I wish I could take it all away for her but unfortunately I can’t, so the next best thing is to raise awareness and support causes like this, supporting those that also have travelled the hard roads and continue too each day.  We are so proud of you for sharing a little piece of your story, Love you Kristerbell x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jason Freeland

Arteen supports you!!


Dance Lane



BFF’s 4 life!! This is how far I managed to walk for you Kristerbell in my lunch breaks this month 57.87kms


Tahnee Cane


Liz Smith


Kerry Taylor

Happy to support such a good cause xx


Tanya Tanner


Robyn Cane


Bree Harrison

Sending big love always 💐❤️


Sarah Kerambrun


Jackson Family


Nexon Asia Pacific

Your donation was proudly matched by Nexon Asia Pacific.


Jacqui Saliba

You are a very special person Tahnee.


Mary Cotter


Rosie Matina

Great job, Tahnee! A cause close to my heart. Great job raising awareness. Supportive family and friends are paramount at times when epilepsy impacts your life.


Gail Genesis

Sending love ❤


Kristy Puopolo

Great Job Tahnee!


Emer Ryan


Karen Wyer


Janet Horton


Bianca Jordan

Go tahnee!!!! Love how amazing you are always thinking of others!


Rosemary Pirritano

Good luck Tahnee! A special cause. All the best to you and your sister!


Diana Sarris

Such an important and beautiful thing you're doing Tahnee for your sister 🩷