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The Treadmill Challenge is an annual event that takes place during Walk for Epilepsy. It brings together epilepsy service staff, corporate sponsors, epilepsy ambassadors, and people living with epilepsy for some fun, excitement and friendly competition.
Teams race to complete a total of 25km on the treadmill. The first team to reach this distance is named the
Treadmill Challenge Champions.
The event seeks to raise awareness and vital funds to support the 1 in 25 people diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime.

Register for Walk for Epilepsy and walk, run or ride to show your support for a great cause.

Don't miss the chance to be part of the action. Tune in to Epilepsy Queensland's Instagram stories on the day for live updates.

Share this page via social media to get the word out for others to show support for this year's Treadmill Challenge teams.
Gaby Myring just donated $26.38
Edwina just donated $52.75
Mason Lowe just donated $50
Mitchell just donated $10.55
Chris just donated $26.38
Intelligent Foundation just donated $50
Intelligent Foundation just donated $52.75
Intelligent Foundation just donated $25
Anonymous just donated $10.55
Ren Papilion just donated $105.50
Leigh Geoffrey Crawford just donated $52.75
jenny Wissink(sis) just donated $3
MICHAEL NEEDHAM just donated $26.38
Tariq Rands just donated $305
Cath Mackie just donated $50
Peter Milne just donated $20
Rhonda Talbot just donated $52.75
Tahnee Smart just donated $26.38
Anonymous just donated $20
Chris Edmonds just donated $25